Sunday, April 18, 2010

The weather is nice right now. I guess the weather man has it staying nice for a few days and then turning 20 degrees cooler. It is calving season and the field behind Wagstaff's feed is full of calves. I counted 10 or 11 the other day. This little black calf was bugging the heck out of the baby brown. Obviously mom does not care.
These two managed to avoid the mayhem.
Just playing.
The road headed down. Gene Atkinson was telling us one day he was going to phone the county and ask them to pave or asphalt this road. No way. I love it just like this.....No traffic. If you make it smooth or nice then all the cars will think they need to drive on it. It kicks up some dust when you're driving it so most cars avoid it.
Lauren Princess at the beauty parlor. We loved having Lauren visit. She was a very good girl getting her hair cut. The beautician asked her how old she was. She said, "I'm 3 but I'll be 4 when Uncle Paul gets home. He has diabetes. He ate too much sugar."
Lauren the Blitz lover.

Crazy cutie.


  1. Yea for an update and pictures! Seeing those cows made Adam really homesick for West Weber. See you soon!

  2. Thought I would let you know that I switched my blog to private so if you want to view I need your e-mail. Send me a message on facebook.

  3. Lauren loved showing off all of her pictures to her sisters. Thanks for posting them. We're excited to see you soon!

  4. Nelly...I may have you fooled with my great skills at blogging but I'm not much of a face booker. My e-mail is Send an invite and I will sign up. I don't want to miss your blog. Pretty crazy that I have to send this message on my blog in hopes that you get it. Sarah if you see it and know Nelly's e-mail then let me know.
