Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary Joel and Caitlain

Look at this cute photo. I think this was the senior year Valentine dance. Congratulations to a full year of bliss. They are so great together. We love you Joel and Caitlain.


  1. Sorry family I misspelled anniversary. It's early in the morning. That's my excuse. The misspelling of Grandma Braniff has no excuse. Look at the blog below. Who is Grandma Graniff?

  2. Mom,
    You can edit previous posts. I misspell stuf all ov the time and Krysta follows after me to make it rite.

  3. Okay, I'll just keep commenting to myself. I actually did the edit. Thanks Adam. Love you all.

  4. Yeah, I'm looking at the word "anniversary" and thinking, well, if that's not how it's spelled, then I've been spelling it wrong for years now! I love the picture - it's so adorable!

  5. To tell you the truth I didn't even notice. But I did notice Graniff.
