Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here is our mode of transportation on all long drives. Your dad is loving his car. He keeps track of every time he gets gas, how many miles he's driven and therefore the miles per gallon. He certainly has bragging rights. He gets 37-39 mpg. That's pretty nice. The fun story of this past weekend was watching it turn over on 10,000 miles. We watched like kids. He commented, "I've seen plenty of cars turn over 100,000 miles but never one turn over 10,000." Now he has.


  1. I'm sure that you'll be able to see it turn over 100,000 miles too. I'm glad you have a commuter car, because then Dad is willing to come and visit!

  2. Awww Uncle Doug is so cute!! I love him! Yay for new cars.....

  3. I remember watching the isuzu truck turn over 100k from the bed of the truck. Dad had me and someone else, probably Seth, watching it through the slider window. Fun memory!
    I think we'll make a similiar memory with our car, but from the front of the vehicle, with Natalie and Ryan in about 1 month.
    Good for you dad, you deserve a nice car.

  4. Dad does deserve a nice car, as I;m sure you had told him. And, of course, he would only accept one that is economical. I'm glad you guys negotiated a win/win solution.
