Monday, June 22, 2009

Doug Hiking

Doug went hiking without me on Saturday. The batteries in his camera were working this time and I'm glad. Here is a picture of a wooden pipe. It's wrapped in heavy wire. I guess when they first got these trails going it would have been difficult to get cement pipes up there.
If you look close you can see the grain of the wood.
A picture from the hike. Thanks Doug.
Guess who came to our house on Father's Day? Braxtyn! Oh, Seth, Joel and Caitlan too. Braxtyn is working on a scrap book. She did a great job.
Pool progress. These are the steps prior to them building the shelf that they forgot.
Joel and Caitlan wanted to be the first ones to swim. ha ha
Deep end.
You can see the colored cement around the edges and the forms for the other cement. They poured the other cement today. I haven't taken any pictures. Maybe you will just have to wait.


  1. Mom, what a post! So much going on. Braxyn is getting so big - her birthday is coming up, isn't it? The pool looks great. I'm crossing my fingers for it to be done when we come up on Monday. Love you!

  2. Thanks for the update. I have been wanting to see the latest pool progress. Joel, I'll let you have another pool first, getting owned in H2O-BBall.
    Braxton is adorable as always and Natalie can hardly wait to see her this summer.

  3. Two things: (1) Wooden pipe? That's pretty cool.
    (2) I always thought Joel preferred to stick in the shallow end of the pool. hehehe.
