Monday, June 1, 2009

Picture of an 80th Birthday

I was checking out some photos and came across some from summer 2006. We went up to the church to Uncle Gene's birthday. It was his 80th. This is a picture of Uncle Val, Joanne and one of Tera Lee's baby twin boys. Imagine them 3 years older.
Cousin Phil (Uncle Max's oldest surviving), Uncle Terry, Doug and Tera Lee.
Cousin Mark (Uncle Max), Cousin Blair (Uncle Val) and Doug.
It was a birthday for Roy Herrick too. I guess they are just days apart. One family had the party in the new gym and one had the party in the old gym. We love Roy. He's our Stake Patriarch.
Uncle Gene and Aunt LaVon.
Doug and Aunt Helen. This is a very sweet picture of Helen.


  1. I love the picture of Aunt Helen - I haven't seen her for a while. Thanks for posting these; I sure wish I could have made it for the party.

  2. Susie I would love it if you would email some of these!! How cute is the Hancock Family...I just love all of them!!

  3. BTW Susie is that blog called Lace Curtin View your brother? Its freakin' Hilarious!!!

  4. Mom, your blog is always fun to read. I wish we could have been around for the party. I guess we were living in Wisconsin that summer. 80 yrs and they both look great!
